In reading up for an upcoming post on the recent paper in Nature I came across a simple 4 point list showing how real people aka non-cranks/denialists/deniers debate scientific issues. Not knowing everything is not a synonym for not knowing anything; Listing things one doesn’t know in no way negates what you do know, especially... Continue Reading →
Global Warming is over! once every decade or so …
Given the recent spade of ‘global warming is over’ articles over the past few months I figured this article by Greenfyre is particularly relevant. It’s true, just like the Deniers say, Global Warming is over … again, and again, and again. Not as often as they claim it is, but pretty often! Global Warming ends... Continue Reading →
Clean Coal
(h/t Greg Laden) There is no such thing as clean coal.
Good news regarding climate change and the use of coal?
As unlikely as the title of this post seems, there may actually be come good news regarding the use of coal and climate change. The first part of this news is something that is mostly obvious, and at first brush doesn’t seem like good news at all. New climate change scenarios quantify the idea that... Continue Reading →
Monckton’s silly graph: Part 2
It seems one silly graph isn’t enough for the great Christopher Monckton, 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley. Behold his latest folly: At first brush this may appear to be an entirely sensible graph, but take a closer look. What do the vertical numbers in the middle of the graph represent? Are they just a misplaced... Continue Reading →
Monckton’s silly graph
This is the crux of Monckton’s latest anti-science, climate change denier rant. Bellow the graph was this text: Figure 3 shows two things very clearly. First, carbon dioxide concentration is rising, and will continue to rise, in a more or less straight line; secondly, there is no correlation, and hence necessarily no causative connection, between... Continue Reading →
Sea ice trends
Recently the infamous denier website dailytech claimed that the sea ice has suddenly rebounded. Thanks to a rapid rebound in recent months, global sea ice levels now equal those seen 29 years ago, when the year 1979 also drew to a close. That is incredible! Especially after the tremendous melt this summer… and only if... Continue Reading →
Sea will rise ‘to levels of last Ice Age’?
Sea will rise 'to levels of last Ice Age'. Yes that is an actual headline from a British paper. And it should ring alarm bells to anyone who knows anything about past climate and/or anthropology. The fact is that during the last ice age seal levels were up to 120 metres lower than today. Hence... Continue Reading →
650 ‘prominent scientists’ dispute climate change?
In a rehash of last year’s laughable list of 400 ‘prominent scientists’ dispute climate change, Senator Inhofe has produced an updated list that now includes 650 scientists who dispute climate. As I explained last year; expertise matters, not everyone’s opinion is equally valid, and Inhofe’s list is short on people who’s expertise is actually relevant.... Continue Reading →
While you were out complaining about the snow…
While you were out complaining about the snow, I was simply enjoying it. Next time it snows don’t complain; Enjoy it!
The solution to our economic woes?
(via xkcd)
Monty Python comes to Youtube!
The day we have all been waiting for has finally arrived! Monty Python is now officially on Youtube; no more suffering through low quality clips. And there was much rejoicing on the Internets.
Delay is not an option, Denial is no longer acceptable
The beginning of the end, for inaction on climate change? I hope so, though it certainly wont be easy. With economic activity down, anything that can be portrayed as raising energy costs could face big hurdles in Congress. And Mr. Obama’s broader call for an energy revolution also could require him to overcome what he... Continue Reading →
Climate change alarmists are really just closet creationists!
Climate change alarmists are really just closet creationists. At least that is the most recent claim from climate change denier Vincent Gray. Environmentalism is just the latest attempt to find a substitute for the theory of evolution and it is paradoxical that it can be so widespread when next year (2009) is the 200th birthday... Continue Reading →
As Gas Prices Go Down, Driving Goes Up
One of the most common complaints about the effectiveness of a carbon tax is that high gas prices have little or no effect on consumption. The recent decline in driving amounts (almost certainly due to high gas prices) puts this myth to rest, but just in case you weren't convinced as gas prices have fallen,... Continue Reading →
Flashback to 2001: ‘Our Long National Nightmare Of Peace And Prosperity Is Finally Over’: Bush
Back in 2001, the Onion satirized a George W Bush's plans for his presidency... unfortunately they were eerily accurate. Mere days from assuming the presidency and closing the door on eight years of Bill Clinton, president-elect George W. Bush assured the nation in a televised address Tuesday that "our long national nightmare of peace and... Continue Reading →
Canadians may appear cold to the carbon tax – until you rephrase the question
Many people who oppose the notion of a carbon tax have been claiming that the Liberal defeat is a clear indicationthat Canadians are not prepared to embrace a Carbon tax. This idea has wasn't true (according to polls) before the election, and seems to not hold true after the election. [In early October], McAllister Opinion... Continue Reading →
Coral reefs are doomed :study
Coral Reefs are a vital part of the marine food web, we will all suffer dearly when they are gone. A new global deal on climate change will come too late to save most of the world's coral reefs, according to a US study that suggests major ecological damage to the oceans is now inevitable...... Continue Reading →
Why GHG reduction policies that focus on ‘big polluters’ aren’t good enough
The Achilles heal of most policies to reduce GHG emissions, is their focus on 'so-called' big emitters. Factories, steal produces and other industrial emitters are often the focus, while emissions from normal people like you are ignored. A Big Sum of Small Differences Individual Americans Cause -- and Could Cure -- Most of U.S. Emissions... Continue Reading →
How much does the loss of biodiversity cost?
How much does the loss of biodiversity cost? A lot more than most people realize. In fact, we do nothing to address the issue, the coming 'nature crunch' will make the current financial crisis seem like a cake walk. This is nothing. Well, nothing by comparison to what’s coming. The financial crisis for which we... Continue Reading →
The myth of the 1970s global cooling scientific consensus
One of the most enduring climate change denier myths is that in the 70s the scientific consensus predicted global cooling. Despite the fact that the authors who originally published such studies quickly realized that they overestimated the cooling effect from aerosols, and underestimated the warming effect of greenhouse gases, deniers claim that because the science... Continue Reading →
Another one of my problems
Xkcd hits the nail on the head with another one of my (many) problems.
230 economists back carbon tax
More than 230 academic economists have signed an open letter to the leaders of the federal political parties, urging them to acknowledge that putting a price on carbon is "the best approach" to combatting climate change. And yet Stephen Harper thinks such an idea is 'crazy'. The economists argue that pricing encourages innovation because users... Continue Reading →
Why revenue-neutral carbon taxes are superior to cap and trade schemes
Steve Darden over at the Seeker Blog has a great post on why carbon taxes are superior to cap and trade schemes. He argues (quite convincingly) that we need polices that provide incentives for us to move to a low-carbon economy today, not at some point in the future, and the only way to achieve... Continue Reading →
“I drive to work, I can’t afford Dion’s carbon tax” =Bullshit
"I drive to work, I can't afford Dion's Carbon tax". That is the opening line of a Conservative attack ad I heard on CBC radio yesterday evening. The rest of the advertisement has a similar tone, indicating that Dion's carbon tax will increase already high gas prices. The main problem with this ad -obvious to... Continue Reading →
What really happened to the sea ice this summer
A few months ago some arctic researchers were predicting the possibility that the North pole could be ice free this summer. So what happened? First of all the North Pole did not melt. Predictably this fact was gleefully reported by deniers, who failed to mention that the arctic researchers gave 50-50 odds for an ice... Continue Reading →
It’s about time we had an election
I know this is a little late, but I was out of town when the election was called. While I find it amusing that Harper is calling an early election after passing a law setting fixed election dates, I think it was a good decision. As it stands now there are some serious questions about... Continue Reading →
Apocalypse to occur any day now
The Large Hadron Collider has been activated, and that means the micro black holes that cranks promised would tear the planet apart can't be far behind. [Bat shit insane cranks] think a giant particle accelerator [the LHC] that will begin smashing protons together outside Geneva this summer might produce a black hole or something else... Continue Reading →
How science works
Through out this blog, in my numerous debates on climate change, I have referenced parts of the scientific process such as peer-review, or the rationality of listening to the relevant experts, but I have never really fully explained how science (and more generally rational thought) works. Thankfully John Mashey writing over at Deltoid has done... Continue Reading →
Trusting the experts
Scott Adams (of Dilbert Fame) has a great post today on the rationality of trusting the experts. While Scott is specifically talking about listening to the advice of economists (which he has surveyed) in regards to figuring out which US presidential candidate has a better plan for the economy, his advice holds true for virtually... Continue Reading →
The anti-scientific nature of climate change denial: part 3
In Part 1, we learned that someone who gives advice based on their knowledge is nothing more than priest that should be ignored. Part 2 was about how deniers misuse the complexity of the situation, and Part 3 is about how deniers make use of fear. The people who tell you that climate scientists want... Continue Reading →
Climate change is happening too slowly
Climate change is happening too slowly. To slowly for human brains to consider it a real threat, and react appropriately. So says psychologist Dan Gilbert. (h/t: A Few Things Ill Considered)