Quote of the day

The idea that there is a massive lack of integrity in the science community, coming from the sources that are accusing them of that, politicians and right-wing blogs, is just ludicrous. They are projecting their own conspiratorial behavior and their own lack of scientific integrity onto the science community -Rick Piltz Director of CSW

Planes vs. volcanoes

Volcanoes just aren’t that large a source of CO2. Via Information is beautiful. UPDATE: The other question that keeps popping up about the Eyjafjallajokul eruption, is its potential cooling effect on the climate. So can we expect cooling? Not likely, according to Rutgers University environmental sciences professor Alan Robock, an expert on how volcanoes alter... Continue Reading →

Sea-level rise predictions since the IPCC

It is well known that the IPCC projections for sea-level rise are low. There are many reasons for this, but perhaps the main reason is the fact that the IPCC basically ignore sea-level rise contributions from the melting Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets: The IPCC range assumes a near-zero net contribution of the Greenland and... Continue Reading →

The tradition of inaction continues

The Canadian Conservatives, much like the Liberals before them, have a long tradition of inaction on the climate change front. And that inaction shows no sign of stopping: Environment Minister Jim Prentice is signalling further delays in imposing greenhouse gas emission standards on the oil sector and other industries, saying Ottawa does not want to... Continue Reading →

The Crocks of Monckton

Peter Sinclair has done a great job debunking Lord Monckton’s many false claims, in his great Climate Crock of the Week series. Part 1 And Part 2 More from that debate from Tim Lambert: Not to mention he thinks people who accept mainstream science are Nazis: After calling a group of young people from Sustain... Continue Reading →

Climategate: the scandal that wasn’t, Part 2

Once again, we see how empty the claims regarding the CRU emails truly are: There was no scientific malpractice at the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit, which was at the centre of the "Climategate" affair. This is according to an independent panel chaired by Lord Oxburgh, which was convened to examine the research... Continue Reading →

Denier double standards

One of the main reasons why I refuse to call deniers, skeptics, is because they constantly and consistently demonstrate double standards. The recent bluster by deniers about a couple minor errors (some of which weren’t even errors at all) in the IPCC, yet silence in regards to the many areas where the IPCC was too... Continue Reading →

Comments, peer-review and censorship

Remember the study (McLean et al. 2009) that claimed that the recent warming trend was due mostly to el niño? Remember how deniers claimed it it was proof that global warming was bunk? And remember how it was shown that the paper could not say anything about the trend because their methods removed any influence... Continue Reading →

Krugman on global warming policy

Paul Krugman has written a great article on the policy options available to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It is well worth a read as it provides a great overview of the emerging economic consensus, and demonstrates why cutting greenhouse gasses wont destroy the economy as some have claimed. Like the debate over climate change itself,... Continue Reading →

Climategate: the scandal that wasn’t

Despite denier’s hyperbolic claims that the CRU email leak was the “final nail in the coffin of global warming science”, ”the abject corruption of climate science” and “a scandal that is one of the greatest in modern science” and in what should come as no surprise to anyone who has scraped beyond the surface of... Continue Reading →

Canada’s Bush style climate policy

Remember back during the Bush years when climate scientists were being muzzled? Well it is still happening. Not in the US, but rather here in Canada by the Harper Conservatives: Since 2007 Environment Canada, has required senior federal scientists to seek permission from the government prior to giving interviews, often requiring them to get approval... Continue Reading →

Quote of the day, with comic!

The path of reality is razor-thin: there’s only one way to be right, but an infinite number of ways to be wrong. The thing is, that narrow path is like a single, unbroken strand, but each path of unreality leads to every other. -Phil Plait

Amazonian contradictions

Looks like the Amazon(non)gate wont die. And in keeping it alive the deniers are again showing their self-contradictions. So what happened? It started in 2007, when a study (Saleska et al. 2007, Science) showed that the Amazon actually greened during the drought of 2005. This was an odd responses; no one expected a rainforest to... Continue Reading →

Open Letter from US Scientists on the IPCC

Over 250 scientist have signed an open letter (and signatures are till being collected) re–affirming the conclusions of the IPCC fourth assessment report. They re-affirm that our greenhouse gas emissions are responsible for the warming trend. They reaffirm that the CRU emails do not disprove global warming, and that the few minor error’s in the... Continue Reading →

We’re not going to take it anymore!

We’re not going to take it. NO! We ain’ gonna take it! We’re not going to take it anymore! With apologies to Twisted Sister. But this is the impression one gets from the latest leak of emails. Scientists are mad. They are mad that the reporting of climate change has gone from bad to abysmal,... Continue Reading →

Bad news from the not-cold-enough arctic [UPDATED]

Very bad news actually: A section of the Arctic Ocean seafloor that holds vast stores of frozen methane is showing signs of instability and widespread venting of the powerful greenhouse gas, according to the findings of an international research team led by University of Alaska Fairbanks scientists Natalia Shakhova and Igor Semiletov. The research results,... Continue Reading →

Quote of the day

The climate science conspiracy being proposed would require very smart and very sinister people, if for no other reason than the necessity of getting all the national science academies on board. But smart and sinister people have better ways of making money than getting Ph.D.s and postdocs and ultimately striving for tenure at the meteorology... Continue Reading →

Climate change: The big picture

This video presents a good summary of the multiple lines of evidence that underpin the conclusion of the IPCC and other reports that our greenhouse gas emissions are responsible for the recent warming trend. Anyone who claims there is no empirical evidence for man-made global warming, has their head firmly in the sand.

Quote of the day

Debates are extremely useful for discussing matters that require human judgement. But pointless for establishing what is true of the physical world… If anyone wants to debate the existence or seriousness of anthropogenic climate change, I’d give the same response as I would if they wanted to debate the existence or strength of gravity. –Steve... Continue Reading →

Quote of the day

Unfortunately, conspiracy theories are easy to disseminate. Many are willing to accept these theories at face value. The distribution of facts on complex scientific issues is a slower, more difficult process. -Ben Santer Read his whole essay, it is well worth it.

The Lomborg Deception

Not surprising for those who have paid attention to Lomborg over the years. His favourite trick is to claim he agrees with the IPCC then consistently lie about what the IPCC said. A big reason Lomborg was taken seriously is that both of his books, The Skeptical Environmentalist (in 2001) and Cool It(in 2007), have... Continue Reading →


Scientific research labs and institutions are held accountable for what they publish and the media will actually criticize them for any mistakes. They simply couldn't get away producing and publishing anything near as low quality as the SPPI analysis of the CRU emails. Even the investigative team that is reviewing the CRU emails is under... Continue Reading →

1995gate and statistical significance

Did global warming stop in 1995? Of course not, but that is not what one gets from reading articles in the more irresponsible media outlets who report that: Climategate U-turn as scientist at centre of row admits: There has been no global warming since 1995 [Phil Jone] said that for the past 15 years there... Continue Reading →

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