The universe is probably littered with the one-planet graves of cultures which made the sensible economic decision that there's no good reason to go into space--each discovered, studied, and remembered by the ones who made the irrational decision.
Osama may be dead, but we still have to stay in Afghanistan
I've never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure. -Mark Twain Osama Bin Laden is dead. Killed, it appears, by the CIA. The question is what do we do next? Many are saying it is time for us to get out of Afghanistan, but most people saying that were... Continue Reading →
About that left wing media bias
The Globe and Mail has officially endorsed Stephen Harper: Whom should Canadians turn to?... Only Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party have shown the leadership, the bullheadedness (let's call it what it is) and the discipline this country needs. He has built the Conservatives into arguably the only truly national party, and during his five... Continue Reading →
Irregular Climate Episode 19: Fraking nukes
This episode: The N word, don’t listen to the BEST, ozone denialism, unsafe safety, fracking gas, hot pink in the arctic, global warming earthquakes, and crazy in Texas.
More on the Muller hide the decline crock
Just in case you didn’t get enough of this in Episode 19, here is Peter Sinclair’s excellent take on Muller’s hide the decline nonsense:
Conservative conservationist
From a very uplifting article on the conservative website FrumForum by D.R. Tucker we get a clear, concise conservative/libertarian argument to tackle our GHG emissions: conservatives and libertarians should strongly support regulation to reduce carbon pollution, since pollution by one entity invariably infringes upon the rights of others (including property rights), and no entity has... Continue Reading →
Endangered wolves and the budget… huh?
What does taking wolves off the endangered species list have to do with the US federal budget? A rider to the Congressional budget measure agreed to last weekend dictates that wolves in Montana and Idaho be taken off the endangered species list
Quote of the day: Climate change vs global warming
If [global mean surface temperature] goes up a lot, the impacts cannot be small, but if [global mean surface temperature] does not go up a lot, the impacts may still be large. -Michael Tobis Climate change is a more accurate term for what we are doing to the climate system, but the tyranny of Google... Continue Reading →
It is time to drop the pro/anti-nuclear dichotomy
The situation at the Fukushima Daiichi is not good. The situation is so chaotic that reporting even basic facts about what is happening is difficult, though that situation seems to be getting better each day. Understanding those facts is another matter entirely. What is the worst case scenario? Who knows, but it wont be pretty.... Continue Reading →
Climate change solved by legislators [part 2]
More on the attempt to legislate away global warming, this time in a must-read Nature editorial [cached]: The legislation is fundamentally anti-science, just as the rhetoric that supports it is grounded in wilful ignorance. One lawmaker last week described scientists as “elitist” and “arrogant” creatures who hide behind “discredited” institutions. Another propagated the myth that... Continue Reading →
Climate change solved by legislators
Global warming has been legislated out of existence: House Republicans rejected amendments offered Tuesday by Democrats that called on Congress to accept the scientific consensus that climate change is occurring, it is caused in large part by human activity and it is a threat to human health. The amendments, offered at an Energy and Commerce... Continue Reading →
Irregular Climate Episode 18: The stupid show
This episode: Climategate again, stupidity from elected officials who are absolutely certainly wrong, against adaptation, and who think their legislative powers can repeal the laws of nature. Also Styrofoam is back, mega-droughts , the loss of Glory, un-skeptical skeptics, and bad reporting from Grist
The journalism problem
Much has recently been written on various climate blogs about the problem with journalism. But I think this is the crux of the issue: Passive news reporting that doesn’t attempt to resolve factual disputes in politics may have detrimental effects on readers, new research suggests. The study found that people are more likely to doubt... Continue Reading →
A battered coast
From a recent trip to Tofino Here are the rest of the pics:
Irregular Climate Episode 17: The triumphant return
This week: The temperature records are wrong, the future, the Queensland floods, Monckton Myths, sea ice news in winter, and a new attack on climate science
Bah Humbug!
Physicists who want to protect traditional Christmas realize that the only way to keep from changing Christmas is not to observe it. (via xkcd) That is all.
Irregular Climate Episode 16: A leak for all seasons
This week: What happens in Cancun stays in Cancun, policy proposals from a crazy podcaster, The Scientific Guide to Global Warming Skepticism, FoxNewsgate, and Wikileaks
Irregular Climate Episode 15: Hindsight on climategate
This week: A year’s worth of hindsight on the manufactured controversy of climategate
Irregular Climate Episode 14
This week: A long political rant on the recent US midterm elections, the war on science in Canada, the scientific consensus continues to strengthen, new efforts to communicate it, and a reminder that real experts don't know everything.
I am now officially a big shot
It took lots of hard work, but I finally did it. I finally made it. I am officially a big shot. I have a new swagger in my walk. What catapulted me to stardom? It was none other than the world famous Michigan Skeptics Association, and the brilliant Chris Lindsey, who interviewed me last week. And now... Continue Reading →
Irregular Climate Episode 13
This week: The most important news in the history of the universe, the simple reason why we should deal with environmental degradation, how CO2 controls the planet’s temperature, a denier distraction, Micheal Mann fights anti-science, the University of Virginia fights the Cuccinelli witch hunt, and the skeptic debunk of the week.
Irregular Climate Episode 12
This week: The curious incident of Edward Wegman, and the copied report, the non-significance of the hockey stick, Cuccinelli and the witch, CRU cleared again, exploding deniers, and the importance of coherence.
Irregular Climate Episode 11
This week: A recap of climate news that happened during Iregular Climate’s summer hiatus including the Russsian fires, and Pakistani floods, the Inter Academy report on the IPCC, The Lomborg u-turn, More Monckton madness, Cuccinelli is thrown out of court, and the icy skeptic debunk of the week.
The dog days of summer
Those of you paying attention have noticed a distinctive lack of anything here for the past week or so. Those of you who follow my tweets have noticed that I have been travelling for the past week. Those of you who are especially clever have already put both together. But why not make it official. ... Continue Reading →
Irregular Climate Episode 10
This week: The US Senate surrender, denynig the undeniable, deniers turn on each other, more blacklist hypocrisy, where has all the phytoplankton gone?, happy 35th birthday global warming, and the skeptic debunk of the week.
Denier denies climate change!
Did you hear? A denier has denied climate change! Shocking isn’t it? Well, no not really. In fact it is entirely predictable, and hardly worth a blog post. If only I had the skills of a professional spin doctor, then I could turn this into something news worthy. For example look how Marc Morano spun... Continue Reading →
The Laughlin contradiction
When I first wrote about Laughlin’s essay What the Earth Knows, I focused entirely on the foolishness of equating the survival of the earth with the survival of human civilization, and that the phrase Save the Planet was never meant to be taken literally. But I missed Laughlin’s contradiction. Thankfully Friends of Gin and Tonic... Continue Reading →
Quotes of the day
It has always been funny, in a gallows humor sort of way, to watch conservatives who laud the limitless power and flexibility of markets turn around and insist that the economy would collapse if we were to put a price on carbon. All serious estimates suggest that we could phase in limits on greenhouse gas... Continue Reading →
Denier hypocrisy, turning a white-list black
It was absolutely hypocritical for deniers to call the Expert credibility in climate change paper published in PNAS a blacklist. Deniers have been making lists of scientists who reject the consensus for a long time. It is one of their main debating tricks. But when someone takes the trouble to analyse the expertise and prominence... Continue Reading →
Irregular Climate Episode 9
This week: Some good news, and some sad news, IOP oh no!, it’s not about saving the planet, the skeptic debunk of the week and Ken Cuccinelli doesn’t know when to quit
The climate consensus visualized, part 2
Jon Cook brings us a new visualization of the climate consensus. Imagine if you filled a room with a representative sample of 100 climatologists, how many would agree with the basic scientific consensus that our GHG emissions are warming the planet? According to a recent study, and a survey conducted last year, 97 of them (the... Continue Reading →