Canada seeks ‘special’ status on warming

Stephen Harper will argue at next week's G8 summit that any international deal on climate change must recognize Canada's unique challenges in curbing greenhouse gases. Of course Harper would have more credibility if he had actually done something to at least attempt to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, and had not attempted to downplay the... Continue Reading →

High tequila prices; the downside to biofuels

This is biggest downside to biofuels yet. Perhaps enough to doom the technology. Mexican farmers are setting ablaze fields of blue agave, the cactus-like plant used to make the fiery spirit tequila, and resowing the land with corn as soaring U.S. ethanol demand pushes up prices.

In defence of Rachel Carson

The recent 100th birthday of Rachel Carson, (the author of Silent Spring, which is credited for launching the modern environmental movement) has triggered baseless attacks from politicians, and pundits. These attacks, however, are not new, they have been slung at Carson since before the book was published. Carson was violently assailed by threats of lawsuits... Continue Reading →

Climate change: A guide for the perplexed -A must read

New Scientist has just published a comprehensive guide debunking 26 most common climate myths and misconceptions with lots of links to primary research and major reports for those who want to follow through to the original sources. Many of these myths and misconceptions have been exploited by industry funded skeptics to cloud the scientific consensus... Continue Reading →

WWF takes on Salween river dam project

WWF has taken on the fight to stop the Salween river Damn, which I first blogged about while travelling in the region in 2005/20066. A deal signed between Thailand and Myanmar would clear the way for the first large-scale hydropower plant on the Salween River in north-eastern Myanmar. The project could displace and negatively impact... Continue Reading →


Cuba was an amazing (though expensive) place to travel. We started out in Varadero, a boring beach resort town... at the Hotel International, which had an interesting nightly Cabaret show. Thankfully we only stayed two nights in Varadero, before heading to La Habana, the most interesting city I have ever been to. A city of... Continue Reading →

Off to Cuba!

I am off to Cuba to congratulate Fidel on his miraculous recovery. Ill be gone for just over two weeks, and hopefully ill be able to post some pictures during my travels. If not you will have to wait for my return. Of course if I get to close to Guantanamo, I may never return...

90 Percent Cheaper Solar Power

Solar cell technology developed by the University’s Nanomaterials Research Centre will enable New Zealanders to generate electricity from sunlight at a 10th of the cost of current silicon-based photo-electric solar cells.

The bees are in trouble, and so are we

They call it "colony collapse disorder." Thousands of bees vanish, and nobody knows why. It's happening all over North America. Honeybees are disappearing. They're not dying, and they're not failing to reproduce. They're just . . . leaving; often half the bees in a colony just fly away and don't come back. Scientists don't know... Continue Reading →

Just in case you were not convinced: A report from the Government Accountability Project proves Bush censored climate change information

A new 138 page study (PDF) by the Government Accountability Project proves what we already knew: Bush censored climate change information. Redacting the Science of Climate Change: an investigative and synthesis report – took a year to complete and compiles information from dozens of interviews and thousands of FOIA disclosures, internal documents and public records.... Continue Reading →

Climate-change cures may be worse than the disease

[Scientists] are exploring global warming solutions that sound wholly far-fetched, including giant artificial “trees” that would filter carbon dioxide out of the air, a bizarre “solar shade” created by a trillion flying saucers that lower Earth's temperature, and a scheme that mimics a volcano by spewing light-reflecting sulphates high in the sky. My favourite of... Continue Reading →

The real global warming swindle

The recent 'Documentary' on the UKs Channel 4 The Great Global Warming Swindle, seems to show compelling evidence that climate change is not caused by humans, despite the consensus in peer-reviewed journals, and what the IPCC say. It all seems like compelling evidence to prove that humans are not responsible for climate change, but as... Continue Reading →

Bush censors facts that he doesn’t like

Is anyone surprised? The [US] federal government suppresses or manipulates information about the environment, prescription drugs and public safety, making it increasingly hard for members of the public to learn about matters that could affect their lives. That was the assessment Monday of former government officials, librarians, scientists and others at a session billed as... Continue Reading →

A United Federation of Planet Earth?

This is the first step to establishing a United Federation of Planets. Fourteen space agencies around the world have agreed to coordinate their space exploration efforts, paving the way for truly planet-wide collaboration in space science.

Dodging a climate change bullet

By reducing CFCs to repair the damage to the ozone layer, we also reduced greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. Of course at the time people opposed to the Montreal Protocol had all sorts of arguments as to why it was a bad idea. It is a good thing we did not listen. The science is... Continue Reading →

Big oil does not need handouts

Why does Big Oil need government handouts when it is making record profits? A [US] bill to be voted on Thursday would cut federal benefits by a third and give them to renewable-energy programs... Nevertheless, the proposed cuts go only so far. Even if the House's new clean-energy legislation becomes law, the oil and gas... Continue Reading →

Who owns winter, Vancouver and Whistler?

It seems pretty obvious doesn't it? A Canadian minister has introduced a bill that would give Olympic organizers an almost unbelievable amount of control to restrict the use of not just its trademarks, but a host of other words, including "winter, gold, silver, bronze, sponsor, Vancouver, Whistler, 2010, tenth, medals, and games" The government has... Continue Reading →

What is the biggest threat to our survival?

It all depends on who you ask. Al-Qaeda represents the most serious threat to US interests, the new US intelligence chief has said. Sounds pretty serious, but don't worry too much a slightly more intelligent man disagrees. Stephen W. Hawking, the renowned cosmologist and mathematician, told The Associated Press that global warming has eclipsed other... Continue Reading →

Thinking of buying carbon offsets? Think again

CO2 offsetting has always seemed like a flaky solution. Carbon offset calculations are incredibly complex, the customer cannot hope to truly understand them. This makes it possible for (unethical) carbon offset companies to take money with the promise of reducing CO2 emissions, while doing little to actually offset the CO2 emissions. The Customer would have... Continue Reading →

Canada be a land o’ pirates, Arrr!

If you believe the crap coming out of the likes of the grog-snarfing buckos that be the RIAA, MPAA BSA, and ESA it seems that Canada be a nation o' pirates. Arrrrrrr! A powerful coalition of U.S. software, movie and music producers is urging the Bush administration to put Canada on an infamous blacklist of... Continue Reading →

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