Climate denial at a Canadian university

One of the most troubling aspects of the leaked Heartland Institute documents was the revelation that they were planning to create a school curriculum for K-12 students that “that shows that the topic of climate change is controversial and uncertain – two key points that are effective at dissuading teachers from teaching science” indicates that... Continue Reading →

Double standards

This excerpt of a comment by climatehawk1 gets to an important point that usually doesn't get enough attention and deserves to be promoted: If Gleick’s reputation is “in ruins,” what about Heartland’s, inasmuch as they have engaged in very elaborate, systematic, long-running misrepresentation? Scientists are held to an impossibly high standard, while Heartland and others... Continue Reading →

New lows?

Keith Kloor is claiming that the Gleick/Heartland stolen documents incident is a new low in the climate wars. But is it? Is tricking Heartland into sending some documents really any worse than hacking into a server at CRU and stealing a bunch of emails? I don't think so. Is tricking Heartland into sending some documents... Continue Reading →

Here come the lawyers

Over the weekend Planet3.0 reported that the Heartland Institute was threatening to sue anyone who commented on the leaked documents. Well yesterday they sent letters to Desmogblog, Greg Landen, David Appell and others demanding the retraction of blog posts discussing the leaked documents. Joseph Bast the president of the Heartland Institute has this to say about these... Continue Reading →

The send-packs-of-lawyers strategy

The Heartland Institute is obviously not happy about those leaked documents. In fact they are so unhappy that they have threatened to sue anyone who has dared comment on the documents stating in a press release that "The individuals who have commented so far on these documents did not wait for Heartland to confirm or... Continue Reading →

More pics from Uganda

Back In Kampala after spending several nights in a tent in Queen Elizabeth National Park surrounded by lions, hyenas and Hippos. Here are a few pictures of the amazing wildlife we have seen.


I am currently sitting at the airport waiting for my flight. I'll spend the next six weeks somewhere in Uganda trying to see things like this: I'll be mostly out of internet range so updates will be few and far between, and comments will likely be help up in moderation for a very long time.

Uganda teaser pic

So far I have taken over 2500 pictures. But the internet here is too slow for me to upload much, and you probably want me to go through the mountain of pictures and only show the ones worth showing (who needs to see 75 almost identical pictures of the shoebill?) So for now enjoy this... Continue Reading →

The Debunking Handbook

Debunking myths and falsehoods is not always as straight forward as it might seem. Thankfully John Cook and Stephan Lewandowsky have produced a Debunking Handbook that is straight forward.

Of emails and scientific research

Here we go again. Just like in 2009, on the eve of a major UN climate conference some hacker or group of hackers released a bunch of emails illegally obtained from a server belonging to the University of East Anglia’s Climatic research unit (CRU), with the hopes of derailing the UN talks, or at least... Continue Reading →

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