From rational to irrational: just add heat

What is it about global warming that makes so many normally rational people discard ration and start parroting nonsense? I normally read the Unambiguously Ambidextrous blog written by Raphael Alexander. And while I don’t agree with a lot of what he says, I can see how, based on his values, he arrives at his conclusions.... Continue Reading →

Mama don’t take my Kodachrome away

Sad day. After 74 years Eastman Kodak has discontinued production of Kodachrome film. While I only used Kodachrome for a brief while (from the time after I started shooting slides to before I discovered Velvia), it was the professional standard for decades. This is the film that the lion’s share of images before the 90s... Continue Reading →

Ice age called off

Everyone can breath a sigh of relief. The upcoming ice age that was predicted by deniers has been called off.  The cause of this  ice age was a lack of sunspots and a diminished solar output. But: The sunspot cycle is about to come out of its depression, if a newly discovered mechanism for predicting... Continue Reading →

Sandhill Crane

I photographed this Sandhill Crane today at the Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary Watch out! They are aggressive. I could spend weeks photographing these amazing animals!

War on photography catch-22

In Britain, cops have the power to search you if you take a picture of a "sensitive" area, but they won't tell you which areas are "sensitive," because they're so "sensitive." The British Journal of Photography is trying to use the UK Freedom of Information Act to find out which places in Britain have such... Continue Reading →

Carol James and the BC NDP redeem themselves

The BC NDP were rightfully chastised for irrationally opposing the carbon tax introduced by the BC Liberals, and instead proposing a climate change policy that would be both ineffective at reducing GHG and harmful to the economy. This cost the BC NDP most of the support it traditionally enjoyed form environmentalists, and possibly lost them... Continue Reading →

This explains a lot

Humans prefer cockiness to expertise The research, by Don Moore of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, shows that we prefer advice from a confident source, even to the point that we are willing to forgive a poor track record. Moore argues that in competitive situations, this can drive those offering advice to increasingly exaggerate... Continue Reading →

Fooling around with my new Camera

Taken in my backyard The lack of posts here, has been partially due to me (finally!) dropping film and getting my first DSLR. Expect more pictures posted here, and a new site devoted entirely to my photography (hopefully soonish). UPDATE: And here is a different version (made with a Velvia preset in Lightroom):

Quote of the day, with comic!

If your explanation for a scientific consensus is vast conspiracy, rather than the outcome of the scientific method, you're almost certainly engaged in cognitive dissonance rather than rational thinking. -Vikingcoder

A new conservative coalition?

Let’s face it the current conservative coalition between libertarians and social conservatives never made any sense.  One wants the government out of our lives, the other wants the government to enforce morality.  The two are diametrically opposed on far to many issues. Is there a better conservative coalition?  Perhaps, and it first reared it’s head... Continue Reading →

Quote of the day

A given economic growth rate can be sustainable only if the average impact per unit wealth declines at an equal or greater rate. -Michael Tobis

On the Waxman-Markey Climate Bill

Given that I have highlighted some of the more amusing arguments against the Waxman-Markey Climate Bill (and no, it wont cost American families $3,100 per year) , it is only fair that I state my position. The short answer is best summed up by Paul Krugman in the New York Times: The legislation now on... Continue Reading →

The cap in cap-and-trade is no cap at all

Something most cap and trade proponents don’t seem to get: The cap isn’t really a cap at all. While the cap in cap-and-trade is entirely virtual, realized only through pricing or administrative actions like penalties, the concrete image of a placing a physical object like a cap over emissions reassures that there is a limit... Continue Reading →

Monckton’s silly graph: Part 4

Here we go again! Via RealClimate we have another silly graph from Monckton: This is in response to Andy Revkin’s article in the New York Times on how industry scientists in 1995 concluded that ‘impact of human emissions of greenhouse gases such as CO2 on climate is well established and cannot be denied’ As RealClimate... Continue Reading →

More science troubles for Harper

Harper’s Conservative government has had a troubled relationship with science. From demoting, then removing the National Science Adviser, to appointing a creationist science minister, Harper’s Conservatives have never held science in  high regard. Now comes word that Harper is appointing two anti-science climate deniers to important federal scientific bodies. The scientific community is justifiably appalled.... Continue Reading →

Another study debunks the blame the sun myth

A new study published in Geophysical Research Letters reinforces what what countless other studies in the past have found: That changes in the sun are not responsible for the global warming in recent decades. Here is the abstract: Although controversial, many observations have suggested that low-level cloud cover correlates with the cosmic ray flux. Because... Continue Reading →

Cooling trends expected in a warming world

Despite having been debunked numerous times, the global cooling myth still lives on, most recently as part of a column by George Will. Hopefully a new paper by David R. Easterling and Michael F. Wehner published in Geophysical Research Letters will finally kill this myth. Of course given the outright dishonesty of deniers, I don’t... Continue Reading →

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