Cosmic clouds?

The connection between cosmic rays and clouds has always been tenuous. The connection between cosmic rays and climate even more so. But that hasn’t stopped the cosmic ray driven climate (and therefor not caused by GHG emissions) theory from getting more attention than it deserves. From every single study that doesn’t outright disprove the notion... Continue Reading →

The worlds most exonerated climate scientist

Here we go again! Time after time the claims made by deniers about the conduct of climate scientists (in this case Michael Mann) fail to live up to the hype. This time it is the National Science Foundation that found that, like all the previous investigations that resulted from the leaked climategate emails, the scientists involved... Continue Reading →

Quote of the day: Real conservatism

To be clear. I believe in evolution and trust scientists on global warming. Call me crazy. – Jon Huntsman, 2012 Republican presidential candidate This is what real conservatism looks like. And we need more of it, lots more. (h/t Joe Romm)

In the belly of the beast

Scott Denning is not the type of person who you would expect to give talks at the Heartland Institute’s  Climate Change Conference. After all Scott Denning is a well respected climate scientist, a professor in the department of atmospheric science at Colorado state university. While The Heartland institute is a bastion of anti-science denialism, not only denying the... Continue Reading →

Symphony of Fire

It used to be called the symphony of fire, now it is called the celebration of light which sounds like Christmas to me. Thankfully it is still a bunch of fireworks set off to music.

Irregular Climate Episode 21: Ironic frozen deniers

This episode: German nukes, safety nukes, underwater nukes and jelly nukes, another pseudo-scandal in a teapot, the true cost of gas, GHG emissions reach record breaking levels and the weather goes berserk while crazy deniers predict an ice age, The disgusting harassment of scientists, Christy Crocks, the Kyoto protocol is finally dead, and a delicious... Continue Reading →

Wind power blows

In The Know: Coal Lobby Warns Wind Farms May Blow Earth Off Orbit In The Know: Coal Lobby Warns Wind Farms May Blow Earth Off Orbit Panelists debate whether the U.S. is doing enough to heed the warnings of coal industry scientists who say turbines could blow the Earth right into the sun.

The true cost of gasoline

Of course the same applies for coal. More-so actually because coal pollutes far more than gasoline. The fact is that thanks to negative externalities the price of fossil fuels is artificially low. And that is the main reason why we use so many, and why clean energy has a hard time catching on. But as... Continue Reading →

Restoring the scientific method, Heartland style [UPDATED]

The Heartland Institute is doing for global warming what it did for tobacco: The theme of the conference, Restoring the Scientific Method, acknowledges the fact that claims of scientific certainty and predictions of climate catastrophes are based on post-normal science, which substitutes claims of consensus for the scientific method. This choice has had terrible consequences... Continue Reading →

Get the book: Climate Change Denial

John Cook, a regular contributor to the Irregular Climate podcast and the mastermind behind, along with Haydn Washington an environmental scientific have written the must read book: Climate Change Denial: Head in the sand: The book examines the phenomenon of climate change denial. It looks at the many techniques of literal denial, where ‘skeptics’... Continue Reading →

Wherein I agree with Marc Morano

We must not tolerate the same pathetic GW Bush strategy of accepting the alleged AGW science but rejecting so-called solutions -Marc Morano I am as surprised as anyone, but I actually agree with the above quote from Marc Morano. Of course not in the way Morano would like. No, he is angry that politicians accept... Continue Reading →

Irregular Climate Episode 20: Dead trees make for good reading

This episode: Extreme weather, Wegman strikes again, conservative science vs liberal science, no science in science class, climategate still nothing to see here, blame Canada, self-debunking deniers tie themselves in knots, renewable energy and a book with John Cook, bad news from the melting arctic, and a bunch of foul-mouthed rapping climate scientists.

How it’s done

How to argue for climate science in a hostile environment: John Abraham, on a right wing radio news program, is polite but manages to get his point across very effectively. Hopefully he will be invited back to discuss the CO2 lags temperature crock that the host brought up right at the end.

Economists are not the enemy

Far too often economists are pitted against environmentalist, when in reality basic economic theory supports strong action on global warming and other environmental issues. The sooner the wider environmental community realizes this the sooner real progress will be made. (h/t Michael Tobis)

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