I am not a jealous person... or at least I wasn't until I saw this picture: (h/t boingboing)
The brainiacs at CERN have found the Higgs Boson!!! Or rather they have found a new particle that resembles what they think the Higgs should look like. Phil Plait has a good run-down of what this means for our understanding of the universe that is worth reading. The very short and oversimplified answer is that... Continue Reading →
Teach the controversy
Some how I don't think this is what they had in mind: A disagreement between the twin giants of genetic theory, Richard Dawkins and EO Wilson, is now being fought out by rival academic camps in an effort to understand how species evolve. The simple fact is that with any scientific theory there is going... Continue Reading →
This is an exciting time
From the always amazing XKCD:
I have never hated the clouds as much as I did today
This is what I wanted to see today The transit of Venus across the sun. Instead all I saw were some ugly overcast clouds. The next transit of venus wont be until 2117, so barring some rather large advancements in medical science today's ugly grey overcast clouds robbed me of my only chance to see... Continue Reading →
Don’t panic and carry a towel
Today is Towel day. But today is no ordinary Towel day. 25+5+12=42 A towel is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have. Partly it has great practical value—you can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta; you can lie on it on... Continue Reading →
Who are the real job creators?
This is the TED talk that cause all the commotion: While TED might not have wanted to publish this talk to go public, the basic thesis of the talk is hardly controversial. Consumer demand is what creates jobs, and thus the widening economic inequality is a key reason why the economy is still struggling. And... Continue Reading →
Too Much Copyright
Too much copyright is this generation's prohibition Also check out copyright math (not boring actually very funny) for more.
Barn Owl in profile
Barn Owl in profile: And a bonus Peregrin Falcon:
Conflicted by the Kony 2012 campaign [UPDATED]
I am conflicted by this video. On the one hand few people know of the atrocities committed by the Joseph Kony and LRA. On the other hand, the LRA has been mostly defeated. They haven't been operated in Uganda since 2006, and Northern Uganda is now quite safe, though the scars of the conflict still... Continue Reading →
What a wonderful world
With David Attenborough:
Swan Attack
This is what happens when you don't have any seeds for the swan
The state has no business in the hard drives of the nation
Michael Geist has details
Steroids, baseball, and climate change
(h/t Michael Tobis on Planet3.0)
Superb Owl Sunday
Much more awesome than worrying about some sort of allegedly super bowl
The morning sun reflecting off Lake Victoria
We spent our last morning in Uganda on Lake Victoria. The early morning sunlight reflecting on the waves made the entire lake seem as if it was made of liquid gold.
Chimp Vocalizations
Chimpanzee vocalizations in Kibale National Park, Uganda.
About those radical foreign interests opposed to the latest tar-sand pipeline [UPDATED]
Rick Mercer injects a whack of sanity and hilarity to the absurd notion that opposition to the Northern Enbridge Gateway pipeline is driven by "foreign interests" If you are not sure what all of this is about watch this video filled with unintentional hilarity from the slimy ethical oil spokeswomen Kathryn Marshall. For even more... Continue Reading →
Mountain Gorillas at Bwindi Impenetrable National Park
After making the long journey to the picturesque Bwindi National Park (tightly clutching our gorilla tracking permits), and hiking down 600 metres to the valley bottom where the Mountain Gorillas were busy eating their breakfast we got to spend 1 hour (which was definitely not enough, but is all that is allowed) with the amazing... Continue Reading →
Hunting on New Year’s Eve
This lion (along with 4 others) were hunting 200 metres from our tent on New Year's eve on the bank of the Nile at Murchison Falls, Uganda
A day with my closest living relatives…
Which would be chimpanzees of course! I am in fact 98% chimp... and so are you. Can you see the resemblance? Its like looking in a mirror that is 98% accurate! Taken in Kibale National Park, Uganda
Black-headed weaver
Amazing little birds that weave basket like nests. Taken in Bigodi, Uganda.
More pics from Uganda
Back In Kampala after spending several nights in a tent in Queen Elizabeth National Park surrounded by lions, hyenas and Hippos. Here are a few pictures of the amazing wildlife we have seen.
I am currently sitting at the airport waiting for my flight. I'll spend the next six weeks somewhere in Uganda trying to see things like this: I'll be mostly out of internet range so updates will be few and far between, and comments will likely be help up in moderation for a very long time.
Uganda teaser pic
So far I have taken over 2500 pictures. But the internet here is too slow for me to upload much, and you probably want me to go through the mountain of pictures and only show the ones worth showing (who needs to see 75 almost identical pictures of the shoebill?) So for now enjoy this... Continue Reading →
Lost in Deep Time with Richard Alley
(via Planet3.0)
How economic inequality harms societies
I am still working through how I feel about the whole occupy movement, and I'll probably never come to a simple opinion on whether or not I support it. Some aspects about the movement are truly inspiring, while others just leave me scratching my head. But one thing I am quickly becoming convinced about is... Continue Reading →
Happy Birthday Carl
Thank you for inspiring us Carl Sagan was born on this day back in 1934
Planet3.0 Launches!!!
This news is a little stale by now, but the big skunk-works project that has monopolized my time and prevented me from getting podcasts out has launched. Planet3.0 is a new attempt at sustainability journalism. An attempt to present the news that should be on the front page. An attempt to remove the sense of... Continue Reading →