
The brainiacs at CERN have found the Higgs Boson!!! Or rather they have found a new particle that resembles what they think the Higgs should look like. Phil Plait has a good run-down of what this means for our understanding of the universe that is worth reading. The very short and oversimplified answer is that... Continue Reading →

Teach the controversy

Some how I don't think this is what they had in mind: A disagreement between the twin giants of genetic theory, Richard Dawkins and EO Wilson, is now being fought out by rival academic camps in an effort to understand how species evolve. The simple fact is that with any scientific theory there is going... Continue Reading →

Don’t panic and carry a towel

Today is Towel day. But today is no ordinary Towel day. 25+5+12=42 A towel is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have. Partly it has great practical value—you can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta; you can lie on it on... Continue Reading →

Who are the real job creators?

This is the TED talk that cause all the commotion: While TED might not have wanted to publish this talk to go public, the basic thesis of the talk is hardly controversial. Consumer demand is what creates jobs, and thus the widening economic inequality is a key reason why the economy is still struggling. And... Continue Reading →

More pics from Uganda

Back In Kampala after spending several nights in a tent in Queen Elizabeth National Park surrounded by lions, hyenas and Hippos. Here are a few pictures of the amazing wildlife we have seen.


I am currently sitting at the airport waiting for my flight. I'll spend the next six weeks somewhere in Uganda trying to see things like this: I'll be mostly out of internet range so updates will be few and far between, and comments will likely be help up in moderation for a very long time.

Uganda teaser pic

So far I have taken over 2500 pictures. But the internet here is too slow for me to upload much, and you probably want me to go through the mountain of pictures and only show the ones worth showing (who needs to see 75 almost identical pictures of the shoebill?) So for now enjoy this... Continue Reading →

Planet3.0 Launches!!!

This news is a little stale by now, but the big skunk-works project that has monopolized my time and prevented me from getting podcasts out has launched. Planet3.0 is a new attempt at sustainability journalism. An attempt to present the news that should be on the front page. An attempt to remove the sense of... Continue Reading →

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