Sandhill Crane in Profile
Sandhill Crane – Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary
The Green New Deal
David Appell on the Green New deal: I wish it was only about carbon without the social welfare proposals, such as (G) ensuring that the Green New Deal mobilization creates high-quality union jobs that pay prevailing wages…. (H) guaranteeing a job with a family-sustaining wage, adequate family and medical leave, paid vacations, and retirement security... Continue Reading →
Strong Opinions, Loosely Held
This sums me up pretty well: Strong Opinions, Loosely Held I do receive feedback that I express strong opinions. Some people even make that sound like a negative thing. In my networking career, my core value proposition was to develop a strong opinion to suggest, explain and justify spending millions of company dollars. ... I’m... Continue Reading →
Leaving WordPress?
... Maybe I am looking for recommendations on a good WordPress replacement. I am not thrilled with the new post editor and this seems like a good opportunity to learn new web technologies. This WordPress blog is over a decade old so there is a fair amount of content that will need to be migrated.... Continue Reading →
Red-winged Blackbird
At the Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary
Preening Sandhill Crane
More of my old friend keeping up appearances.
Sandhill Crane
I went to the bird sanctuary again. Saw an old friend
Why I Vote Green
Recently in British Columbia there was a perfect example of why, when I find myself in the voting booth, I vote green. I do this even where there are more “mainstream” parties saying all the right things regarding climate change. I do this because I know that in order to reduce GHG emissions governments are... Continue Reading →
Elephants on Parade
I took this photo way back in 2012. Uganda is one of the most difficult places to travel in (unless you want to spend a lot more than I was willing to spend). But the National Parks and wildlife make it absolutely worthwhile.
I made a friend
Or at least I thought I did, this little bird (a juvenile Brown-Headed Cowbird, I think) followed me around for at least 30 minutes at the Bird Sanctuary Saturday. He was so close to me as a walked, I was worried I might step on him. Once I got home and tried to identify this... Continue Reading →
Sometimes the birds co-operate too much
At Whistler Blackcomb: But ultimately the Whisky Jacks did co-operate:
Whytecliff Park with Sunrays
I have been playing around with Luminar photo editor and I think the the Sunrays filter is interesting. What do You think?
Red-winged blackbird
Bonus Duck!
Symphony of Fire
Vancouver's annual fireworks festival started Saturday night. It was stunning as usual.
Tamino's more depressing version of Imagine: Imagine every single report ever about the link between cigarette smoking and lung cancer, from the 1960s when the surgeon general’s report came out up to the present day, beginning with the statement that “No single case of lung cancer can be definitively linked to smoking.” Now imagine being inundated... Continue Reading →
DUCK! Part 2
More of the same wood duck and her duckling from Stanley Park