My recent spat with Marc Morano taught me that deniers are becoming far more insidious. As the public in general becomes more aware of the absolute importance of peer-review, deniers are faced with a dilemma because the peer-reviewed literature overwhelmingly supports the theory that our GHG emissions are causing climate change (hence the consensus). What... Continue Reading →
Jim Peden, Atmospheric Physicist, makes some very dubious claims [UPDATED]
[UPDATE: After rereading his site I have found the most egregious error made by Peden. It is such a large error that it completely shatters his credibility and his argument] In one of my recent posts a man named Jim Peden who claimed to be an Atmospheric Physicist, and who was sent by our good... Continue Reading →
This is going to go straight to my head
It appears that I am more famous, and making a greater impact than I thought. In my last post, the infamous spin master Marc Morano (and based on his IP I am pretty sure it is him) stopped by to leave a comment.I don’t know whether to feel honoured that anti-science Senator Inhofe's main spin... Continue Reading →
Skeptics vs Deniers
Skeptics come in two flavours. The first flavour includes those who are misinformed or uninformed. They are skeptical of the science behind climate change because they are not familiar with it. They see the debates in the media and assume that similar debates occur within the scientific community. Once you show these people that no... Continue Reading →
The Real Climate Censorship
[This is an old article, but it very well describes the depth to which deniers are willing to make baseless dishonest claims about the IPCC, and climate scientists] By George Monbiot It’s happening, it’s systematic, and it is precisely the opposite story to the one the papers are telling. The drafting of reports by the... Continue Reading →
Wilson’s Law of conservation
The renowned biologist EO Wilson on conservation, and what he unabashedly calls Wilson’s Law: If you save the living environment, the biodiversity that we have left, you will also automatically save the physical environment, too. But If you only save the physical environment, you will ultimately lose both. Given the prominence of climate change and... Continue Reading →
The conservative case for a carbon tax
Jonathon Kay over at the National Post, lays out the conservative case for a carbon tax, and while he has some legitimate complaints about Dion's plan, at least he is engaging in honest debate. A carbon tax can actually make government smaller. Right now, Western governments control and tax the use of carbon fuels through... Continue Reading →
The most concise description of the climate/energy problem
We’re borrowing money from China to buy oil from the Persian Gulf to burn it in ways that destroy the planet. Every bit of that’s got to change. -Al Gore
The anti-scientific nature of climate change denial: part 2
In Part 1, we learned that someone who gives advice based on their knowledge is nothing more than priest that should be ignored. Part 2 is about how deniers misuse the complexity of the situation. For [deniers] complexity is something to be abused rather than a challenge to be understood, underlining quite clearly (again) the... Continue Reading →
The National Post on Omar Khadr
I don't usually agree with what gets passed off as news in the National Post, but today Jonathan Kay has an great summary of why Canada's treatment of Omar Khadr is a disgrace. Bring Omar home. Omar Khadr was a child soldier. During the carnage that gripped Sierra Leone in the 1990s, the most terrifying... Continue Reading →
This is my problem…
(via xkcd)
The solution to climate change and how much it will cost
It is no secret that climate change is a serious problem than needs to be addressed, and the sooner we do it the easier it will be to make the greenhouse gas emissions cuts that are necessary. The longer we delay the more difficult the required changes will be. The goal of climate mitigation is... Continue Reading →
Ice-free North Pole?
Given last years record melt, some scientists who were predicting an ice-free arctic summers by 2013 were on record saying that those predictions may have been to conservative. Now some scientists studying the arctic ice are predicting (with roughly 50/50 odds) that North Pole may be ice-free this summer. Arctic warming has become so dramatic... Continue Reading →
Conservative think tanks and environmental scepticism
While this really shouldn't come as much of a surprise to anyone who has had even a passing interest in environmental issues, a new study in the journal Environmental Politics has concluded that over 90% of books downplaying the seriousness of environmental problems (also known as denial) had direct links to conservative think tanks (CTT).... Continue Reading →
What is in a name? The ridiculous Green Shift trademark debacle
In my last post on the Liberal carbon tax proposal, I called the current attack on it blatantly dishonest, and called on all Canadians to demand politicians seriously debate the proposal on its merits. Unfortunately things have taken a turn for the worse. The debate has now devolved into the ridiculous assertion that Liberal Continue Reading →
The Canadian carbon tax debate
Much of the debate on the recent Liberal announcement, has been a clear demonstration of why politicians have resisted this idea, even as economists and policy wonks from across the political spectrum called for it. A new tax (even if accompanied by equivalent tax cuts elsewhere) is never going to be an easy sell, especially if... Continue Reading →
Expect more extreme weather as the climate warms: Bush administration report
When even the Bush administration says that the impacts of climate change on North America will be severe, everyone should pay attention. The time to act is yesterday. The first thorough federal review of research on how global warming may affect extreme climate events in North America forecasts more drenching rains, parching droughts (especially in... Continue Reading →
Conservative attack on carbon tax is dishonest
I can't say I am shocked, this isn't the first dishonest attack by the Conservatives on carbon taxes. A prominent resource economist has pronounced himself disgusted with "dishonest" Conservative attack ads on a Liberal carbon tax proposal that's yet to be unveiled. "The Conservatives -- and I say this with great sadness because I don't... Continue Reading →
National Academies of Science of 13 countries call for 50% CO2 cut
The National Academies of 13 countries told the leaders of the biggest polluting countries that immediate large-scale mitigation action is required, and CO2 emissions need to be cut by 50%. The transition to a low carbon society requires: setting standards; designing economic instruments and promoting energy efficiency across all sectors; encouraging changes in individual behaviour;... Continue Reading →
CEI accurately describes the anti-scientific nature of climate change denial
I’d like to thank the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) for publishing such an unintentionally informative and amusing newsletter. Rarely has the anti-scientific nature of global warming denial been so well stated in a mere two sentences: A scientist who says that the atmosphere is warming, and cites certain physical processes, is still a scientist. A... Continue Reading →
Why relying on carbon offsets is a bad idea
The idea behind offsets is that you pay someone else to reduce emissions on your behalf when they can make the reductions more cheaply than you can. The leading offset method use to fight climate chaos is the Clean Development Mechanism. This is an extremely controversial topic, with many (including me) contending it does not... Continue Reading →
Fox News makes fun of climate change deniers
Has hell frozen over? (h/t DeSmogBlog)
The non-climate reason to dump fossil fuels
We need to get off oil (and other fossil fuels), and not just because of the environmental damage of burning them. The fact is that, sooner than we would like to admit, energy derived from fossil fuels will become prohibitively expensive, and if at that time we are still depended on fossil fuel our economy/society... Continue Reading →
A climate change conspiracy at NASA!
Climate change deniers love to claim that the scientific community is hostile to any competing theories on climate change, they claim that there is a massive conspiracy silencing anyone who doesn't agree with the conclusions of the IPCC despite there being no evidence for such claims, and plenty of evidence suggesting that the opposite is... Continue Reading →
I thought Newt Gingrich was green (and smart)
"Drill here, drill now, pay less." This is Newt Gingrich's new campaign to support domestic drilling in ANWR and thus 'lower' gas prices for Americans. Aside from seriously hurting Newt's supposed green credentials, it is also blatantly dishonest. How much cheaper would gas be if drilling was allowed in ANWR? It is expected that the... Continue Reading →
Biodiversity loss costs six percent of world income; biodiversity drops more than a quarter
Just as we are beginning to realize the incredible importance of biodiversity Environmental damage and species loss costs between 1.35 and 3.1 trillion euros (2.1 to 4.8 trillion dollars) every year, according to a report released Thursday at a major UN conference on biodiversity... "Though our wellbeing is totally dependent on these 'ecosystem services', they... Continue Reading →
Climate change causing a wide range of impacts across the globe
From Nature: Significant changes in physical and biological systems are occurring on all continents and in most oceans, with a concentration of available data in Europe and North America. Most of these changes are in the direction expected with warming temperature. Here we show that these changes in natural systems since at least 1970 are... Continue Reading →
Carbon tax gaining support across Canada
Canadians are warming up to the prospect of paying an environmental tax on activities that cause climate change, but they don't necessarily expect to get the money back in the form of income tax cuts, a new poll has revealed. The McAllister Opinion Research survey, commissioned for the Pembina Institute - an environmental research group... Continue Reading →
Dion finally warms to a carbon tax
Dion has finally warmed up to the climate change plan that is favored by most economists. Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion pitched his controversial proposal to tax carbon emissions, despite warnings from his own caucus that such a policy would be politically risky. Dion laid out the broad goals of his plan in a speech Thursday... Continue Reading →
Why gas prices need to stay high
Driving less? More than two-thirds of car owners already are. It's a natural reflex to $50-$70 tank fill-ups. But US drivers may also know it's time to pay a price to curb global warming. That may be one reason they reject the campaign stunt of urging a holiday for the federal gas tax. US politicians... Continue Reading →
The inconsistency of climate change deniers
The always great Denialism Blog, has a great post on the inconsistency of climate change deniers. One of the most salient features of cranks is their inconsistency. A major difference between someone who is trying to reason scientifically and someone who has a fixed belief they are trying to defend against rational inquiry is the... Continue Reading →
The IMF says tackling climate change possible without harming the economy
This is in-line with a recent report by the US EPA, which concluded that combating climate change would have a minimal effect on the growth of the US economy. The International Monetary Fund forecast that sharply reducing greenhouse gas emissions would slow global growth, but only minimally if economic policies were designed to encourage companies... Continue Reading →