When anyone says _______ (insert favorite policy, technology here) is "the" solution to a big, complex problem, they are invariably wrong. Via Jonathan Foley on Twitter
Don’t panic and carry a towel
Today is Towel day. But today is no ordinary Towel day. 25+5+12=42 A towel is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have. Partly it has great practical value—you can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta; you can lie on it on... Continue Reading →
The end of Heartland’s climate denial conferences
Lack of funding has prevented Heartland from putting on any more climate denial conferences: In his closing speech at this year’s event in Chicago, Heartland President Joseph Bast said that financial troubles are preventing the organization from putting on another event. “I hope to see you at a future conference, but at this point we... Continue Reading →
Who are the real job creators?
This is the TED talk that cause all the commotion: While TED might not have wanted to publish this talk to go public, the basic thesis of the talk is hardly controversial. Consumer demand is what creates jobs, and thus the widening economic inequality is a key reason why the economy is still struggling. And... Continue Reading →
If you put all the fresh water on Earth in one place
Last week we showed you what it would look like if you put all the water on earth in one place. The result is that the earth doesn't have nearly as much water as we typically assume. But that doesn't paint the whole picture because most of that water is salt water which is unfit... Continue Reading →
A better billboard
From the Climate Reality Project: (h/t David Appell)
Local vs global
Over at collide-a-scape Keith has inadvertently stumbled upon an interesting observation from an article in the Guardian which states: The world’s cities have seen a 45% increase in population since 1992, according to the Global Footprint Network, and urban residents typically have a much larger carbon footprint than their rural counterparts. At first blush this... Continue Reading →
New 3-ball logo
Now with more globe-y-goodness Isn't it pretty? This new fancy 3-ball was created by Ali Lupu. Go check out his other work and while you are over at his place tell him to hurry up and release his amazingly illustrated children's book!
If you put all the water on Earth in one place
If you put all the water on Earth in one place it would look like this: Yes that is a lot of water, but compared with the rest of the planet it really is a tiny ball via Boing Boing UPDATE: Here is another image which also does the same thing with earth's atmosphere. Again a surprisingly tiny... Continue Reading →
Canada has no plan
Canada has no real plan to meet its stated 2020 GHG emissions goals, and has no idea how much its hodgepodge of sector specific regulations will cost. In his latest report, Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development Scott Vaughan says Canada would need to reduce emissions by 178 million tonnes over the next eight... Continue Reading →
The dismal science
XKCD is always a great way to cheer up on a Monday morning. Here is just a snip from the latest brilliant comic that is sure to please at least some Planet3.0 readers:
Heartland and Microsoft
I think Tamino is right: Some have criticized Microsoft for “supporting” the so-called “Heartland Institute.” The basis of this is that Microsoft provides free software because the so-called “Heartland Institute” is, at present, legally classified as a nonprofit organization. There have even been suggestions to pressure Microsoft no longer to allow the so-called “Heartland Institute”... Continue Reading →
Heartland pulls billboards, wont apologize
By now the news is stale, but on Friday Heartland pulled down the highly offensive billboards comparing the acceptance of mainstream climate science with such despicable people as the Unabomber. They, however, refuse to apologize: We do not apologize for running the ad, and we will continue to experiment with ways to communicate the ‘realist’ message on the... Continue Reading →
The correct response to Heartland’s disgusting billboards
This absurd and extreme guilt by association that Heartland is pushing should be countered by making it abundantly just clear how absolutely absurd it really is. And while we are at it why not make people laugh a little. (image via Dan Johnson on Facebook) UPDATE: Let the meme begin: Nine out of 10 psychos agree: Heartland’s bonkers climate billboards need company! UPDATE... Continue Reading →
Here we go again
TransCanada applies for Keystone XL pipeline permit: TransCanada Corp has asked the U.S. government for approval to build the $7.6 billion Keystone XL oil pipeline which has been put on hold due to environmental concerns. Is anyone surprised?
The muzzling of Canada’s scientists
In a press conference, Environment Minister Peter Kent said that the perceptions of scientists being muzzled has been caused by journalists who want to set their own agenda of who they talk to and when. Yes it is simple. If Journalists would just stop asking questions, the government wouldn't have to stop the scientists from... Continue Reading →
Witnessing a glacier’s race to the sea
Nature News has more
Putting ocean warming into perspective
David Appell spots a nice little calculation in the recently published Levitus 2012 paper on ocean heat content: We have estimated an increase of 24 x 1022 J representing a volume mean warming of 0.09°C of the 0-2000 m layer of the World Ocean. If this heat were instantly transferred to the lower 10 km... Continue Reading →
About the Lack of Warming…
John Nielsen-Gammon takes a look at claims that the mean surface temperature has stopped warming: There aren’t that many full-blown El Niño events, but they seem to be following a steady upward trend. There are more La Niña events, and they too clearly follow a steady upward trend. Finally, the many neutral years also so... Continue Reading →
Too Much Copyright
Too much copyright is this generation's prohibition Also check out copyright math (not boring actually very funny) for more.
Mexico does what the rest of North America can’t…
... Pass climate change legislation. Via Nature news and the BBC.
Barn Owl in profile
Barn Owl in profile: And a bonus Peregrin Falcon:
Economic growth and sustainability question
If people believe that sustainability and economic growth are incompatible then why would their place their bets with economic growth? I asked this on Twitter, Google+ and Facebook, but figured there is a decent chance that the Planet3.0 community will provide a better answer. But just in case I will post any interesting responses I... Continue Reading →
Earth Hour
I have never been a fan of earth hour and was contemplating writing an article explaining why I find it is pointless, but Maggie Koerth-Baker saved me the trouble: This Saturday, thousands of people will voluntarily spend an evening without electrictricity. No lights. No television. No computers. They'll eat dinner by candlelight, maybe light up a bonfire in... Continue Reading →
The complexities of collapse
Many in the climate/sustainability world are understandably preoccupied with the notion of collapse. After all, it is reasonably argued that if we do not change the course of our civilization then collapse is inevitable. This is undoubtedly true, as any civilization that is not sustainable must either change and become sustainable or face an ever-increasing... Continue Reading →
Conflicted by the Kony 2012 campaign [UPDATED]
I am conflicted by this video. On the one hand few people know of the atrocities committed by the Joseph Kony and LRA. On the other hand, the LRA has been mostly defeated. They haven't been operated in Uganda since 2006, and Northern Uganda is now quite safe, though the scars of the conflict still... Continue Reading →
What a wonderful world
With David Attenborough: