One of the oddest arguments against taking action to tackle climate change has been that the extra CO2 would increase plant productivity. While on paper a case can be made that an increased concentration of CO2 increases plant productivity, the reality of the situation is much more complex. Now new research (PDF) claims that climate... Continue Reading →
Back to the grind
Well I've been back home for a few days now and am slowly catching up with everything that I missed while I was away. Expect more posts in the next few days.
Off to the land of milk and honey
I am off Israel for just under 3 weeks, so I wont be posting with any frequency until I return. Also while I am away all comments will be held for moderation until I can approve them (which may take several days), to prevent the increasing amount offensive tasteless spam from appearing sullying this otherwise... Continue Reading →
400 ‘prominent scientists’ dispute climate change?
At first glance the it appears that the list of 400 'prominent scientists' who dispute the consensus on climate change complied by Senator James “global warming is a hoax” Inhofe is a serious challenge to the commonly accepted consensus on climate change. Over 400 prominent scientists from more than two dozen countries recently voiced significant... Continue Reading →
Coral reefs: one more reason to cut CO2 emissions
If climate change wasn't enough of a reason to cut CO2 emissions, it now seems that increased ocean acidity (caused by an increase in atmospheric CO2) will be devastating to coral reef ecosystems. The survival of the world's coral reefs will be seriously threatened by 2050 if atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) and the... Continue Reading →
The Bali outcome, and how to move forward
The biggest disappointment of the Bali climate negotiations was the lack of any binding commitments to reduce emissions. The resulting “Bali Action Plan” contains no binding commitments, which European countries had sought and the United States fended off. The plan concludes that “deep cuts in global emissions will be required” and provides a timetable for... Continue Reading →
Two worlds collide
A native of Brazil's Rikbaksta tribe records the canoeing competition during the IX Indigenous Nation's Games in Olinda, northeastern Brazil November 29, 2007. (via REUTERS/Paulo Whitaker)
Enough already! Climate change will not be the end of humanity, and it is nothing like Nazis
Listening to Al Gore, Jim Hansen and Ban Ki-moon talk about climate change recently it is easy to see why some people call the whole climate change movement extremist and alarmist. Al Gore recently compared those countries who have refused to act, to those that refused to take action to stop Adolf Hitler. However, despite... Continue Reading →
Who knows more about nuclear safety, Harper or the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
While there is no doubt that the current shortage of medical isotopes is a huge problem, simply restarting the reactor that produces them, against the advice of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission is a bad idea. The House of Commons passed emergency legislation late Tuesday night to reopen an Ontario nuclear reactor that produces most... Continue Reading →
Canada fourth-worst climate sinner
Canada is near the bottom of the barrel in a study that ranked countries based on their climate-change performances. The study, released Friday by environmental organizations Germanwatch and Climate Action Network Europe, compared the 56 countries who produce an estimated 90 per cent of the world's carbon dioxide emissions. The countries were ranked based on... Continue Reading →
Canadian government hiding damaging climate report
While Harper's Conservative government have now admitted that climate change is an important issue they have refused to implement effective policy to tackle the problem. They have even gone so far as to successfully watering down a climate change deal at the recent Commonwealth meeting. Now it seems they are attempting to suppress any reports... Continue Reading →
Calls for a carbon tax from an unlikely source
[Gregory Mankiw a visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, a right-wing think tank, has written a convincing article calling for the implementation of a global carbon tax. Hopefully this will put an end to the ridiculous notion that implementing a carbon tax is all part of a socialist scheme.] In the debate over global... Continue Reading →
Who is still against emissions cuts?
While most government have accepted the need to cut greenhouse gas emissions, some have stubbornly refused to commit to any mandatory cuts. The reasons given are usually the high costs to business and the economy. However, a significant portion of business have begun to realize that the high cost of inaction and the uncertainty that... Continue Reading →
Why CO2 lags behind temperature; another climate change skeptic myth explained
One of the most popular 'theories' currently being used by climate change skeptics, is that increased CO2 concentrations don't cause temperatures to rise, but rather a rise in temperature causes CO2 concentrations to increase. They argue this means that humans can't be responsible for the current warming trend, but this argument makes little sense when... Continue Reading →
Why a carbon tax is better than a cap and trade system
A cap-and-trade system means governments put a limit on a nation's carbon emissions and issue licences for its businesses and maybe its citizens to produce carbon up to that cap. The licences can be bought and sold. This creates incentives for anyone wanting to expand their lifestyle or business to use more carbon-efficient methods, or... Continue Reading →
Canada holding up climate-change deal at Commonwealth
Recently the Conservatives have been attempting to greenwash their image, but at the Commonwealth climate talks they have shown their true colours. Canada is one of only two countries blocking a commitment to international climate-change targets within the 52-member Commonwealth frustrated foreign diplomats said Friday. [Australia is the other country holding up the negotiations, but... Continue Reading →
BC introduces legally binging emission tagets, with no details on how to achieve them
This new legislation is only one of many steps needed to tackle climate change. The B.C. government has introduced aggressive legislation that it hopes will help the province cut greenhouse gas emissions 33 per cent below current levels by 2020. Premier Gordon Campbell announced the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Targets Act on Tuesday, saying the legislation... Continue Reading →
Harper protects vast areas of northern land
The average park enthusiast will never set foot on a vast northern land mass that will be granted permanent protection today in what environmentalists hail as one of the largest conservation moves in Canadian history. But, then again, neither will hot-to-trot Mackenzie Valley gas pipeline developers or uranium mine drillers be allowed to stomp around... Continue Reading →
US delegates throw logic out the window to water down IPCC report
While the IPCC was working on it's latest and most dire report to date the US delegates were busy trying to water down the reports predictions, logic be damned. US delegates in particular said references to "irreversible" climate change and impacts were imprecise. They argued, for example, that the melting of glaciers or ice sheets... Continue Reading →
The latest IPCC report is the most dire yet; reality likely to be much more dire
The latest report from the IPCC describes the effects of climate change more specifically and forcibly than any other IPCC report. Yet The IPCC process is inherently conservative and many scientists believe that the report is understating the severity of climate change and some of the biggest risks. Even though the synthesis report is more... Continue Reading →
A scientific theory is more than just a theory
Scientists use language differently from the unwashed masses, they purposely avoid speaking in absolute term since nothing in science can ever be fully proven beyond doubt. Creationists and intelligent-design boosters have a guerrilla tactic to undermine textbooks that don't jibe with their beliefs. They slap a sticker on the cover that reads, EVOLUTION IS A... Continue Reading →
Weathermen are not climate scientists
Weathermen, no matter how famous, are not climate scientists. That makes them unqualified to challenge the science of climate change, especially if they aren't publishing in peer-reviewed literature. It is the greatest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it. Global Warming; It is a SCAM. Some dastardly scientists with environmental... Continue Reading →
Climate change controversies: a simple guide
The Royal Society has published a great guide on some of the main misleading arguments deniers use to confuse the public on the reality of climate change. Misleading argument 1 : The Earth's climate is always changing and this is nothing to do with humans. Misleading argument 2 : Carbon dioxide only makes up a... Continue Reading →
The Carbon Calculus
A CHANGE is in the works that could go a long way toward making alternative energy less alternative, and more attractive to consumers and businesses. It’s not a technological fix from some solar-cell laboratory in Silicon Valley or wind-turbine researcher in Colorado or the development of some superbug to turn wood waste into ethanol. Rather,... Continue Reading →
Canadians favour climate change tax hike
While politicians continue to delay implementing meaningful action such as a carbon tax to tackle climate change a recent pool shows that Canadians are willing to make some of the necessary sacrifices Canadians are among the world's leaders in being prepared to accept potential lifestyle changes and higher taxes in order to address climate change,... Continue Reading →
How Many Species Are “Enough”?
Plants are the only source of oxygen on Earth -- the only source. And studies around the world show that as plant species become extinct, natural habitats can lose up to half of their living plant biomass. Half of the oxygen they produced is lost. Half of the water, food and other ecological services they... Continue Reading →
BC government eyes carbon tax in next budget
The BC government looks poised to introduce effective legislation in the form of a carbon tax to tackle climate change. The B.C. government is looking at a new carbon tax to combat climate change. Finance Minister Carole Taylor yesterday told The Province she's considering the tax in next year's budget, as a way of reducing... Continue Reading →
There isn’t another side to the climate change debate
Why does the media insist on portraying the climate change issue as a debate amongst scientists as to what is causing the recent warming trend. Why do they pit real scientists publishing in peer-reviewed literature (or those echoing those findings) against 'scientists' who aren't publishing in the peer-reviewed literature, pundits, politicians, or think tanks. That... Continue Reading →
How do you tackle climate change without reliable data?
Without good, reliable data it becomes virtually impossible to create effective policy. Nobel Prize-winning scientists from Canada say the Harper government is failing to protect the country from the dangers of global warming because it has shut down a federal climate change research network and blocked new studies on the impact of rising greenhouse gas... Continue Reading →
A tax on carbon to cool the planet
Forcing higher prices for fossil fuels would be simple, fair, and effective. Why do politicians fear to do it? Conservative and liberal economists like it. James Connaughton, President Bush's top environmental adviser, backs it. Al Gore says he's always preached it. So why isn't a carbon tax on the table in Congress as it weighs... Continue Reading →
The degraded state of the natural world hurts us all; urgent action needed
The UN has just released the fourth report by the Global Environment Outlook on the state of the earths environment. The results aren't encouraging. The environment we all depend on is in peril, our actions have degraded virtually all ecosystems. This degradation of the natural world has real implications for our quality of life, and... Continue Reading →
State of the planet, in graphics
Globally human populations are growing, trade is increasing, and living standards are rising for many. But, according to the UN's latest Global Environment Outlook report (large PDF), long-term problems including climate change, pollution, access to clean water, and the threat of mass extinctions are being met with a remarkable lack of urgency. CHANGING WORLD Over... Continue Reading →