Fidel Castro was the best Dictator the Cubans ever had, But Cubans deserve better than a dictatorship.
It’s never game over
This isn’t a 2ºC or bust fight. It’s a fight to limit consequences. It’s a fight for every 1/10 of a degree. If we fail to hold to 2ºC, we have to fight for 2.1º; failing that, we battle on for 2.2º. With millennia of impacts at stake, we never get to give up, even... Continue Reading →
The Trump victory in the US presidential election is a victory for incoherence (also racism, misogyny, xenophobia, and denialism). During the campaign Trump never once articulated a coherent set of policies, he never explained how he was going to “Make America Great Again” in any way that passed even the most basic scrutiny. His most... Continue Reading →
Death of a Ladies’ Man
RIP Leonard Cohen Everybody knows the war is over Everybody knows the good guys lost Everybody knows the fight was fixed The poor stay poor, the rich get rich Words that feel especially poignant right now.
Hockey Stick, XKDC Style
Notice the change at the bottom of the graph? Anyway you look at it that sudden change is alarming. It is worth noting that, nothing presented here is new, but XKCD author Randall Munroe is a master in making complex topics and difficult to grasp issues of scale easily approachable.
How the media gets science wrong
John Oliver explains it nicely, the instead of the imaginary TODD conference, I recommend the very real Bad ad Hoc Hypotheses Festival BAHfest! Or If you prefer the news cycle in comic format PhD Comics has you covered:
Downtown Vancouver skyline…
...and the iconic Science World
A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace
20 Years ago John Perry Barlow published the Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace: Governments of the Industrial World, you weary giants of flesh and steel, I come from Cyberspace, the new home of Mind. On behalf of the future, I ask you of the past to leave us alone. You are not welcome among... Continue Reading →
So much for change south of the border.
Now it is just more of the same, regardless of who ultimately wins: Lessig quits presidency bid, blames political system he wanted to change See this for a good, succinct, explanation of the problem Lessig is trying to solve
Harper Conservatives: The anti-data party
If we are going to survive this century, we need to move away from decision-based evidence-making and truly make evidence-based decisions. Public access to publicly funded science would help ensure that the government relies on the facts, not on ideology. Science is too important to democracy to be kept in a government vault. -Elizabeth May... Continue Reading →
The Canadian War on Science: A long, unexaggerated, devastating chronological indictment
Originally published by John Dupuis Apr 2006. One Tonne Challenge funding stopped Apr 2006. Tories muzzle environmental scientist Mark Tushingham, told not to appear to promote his novel about climate change (More info: 1.) May 2006. Environmental Groups Call on Ambrose to Resign as Chair of International Kyoto Negotiations Oct 2006. Circumpolar ambassador job axed Oct 2006. Canadian Ambassador for the Environment... Continue Reading →
Bah Humbug!
Physicists who want to protect traditional Christmas realize that the only way to keep from changing Christmas is not to observe it. (via xkcd) That is all.
Dancing Booby
At Seymour Norte island in the Galapagos Islands
Curious Sea Lions
Our last full day in the Galapagos ended with a swim with 4 curious young sea lions. It was all fun and games until the beachmaster showed up.
Our time in Baños was well spent
Paragliding at sunset one day and looking out over the Amazon the next.
1000 ways to die in Ecuador
Way #256: Becoming Arapaima food These carnivorous arapaima were 2.5 meters long and very hungry Thankfully they don't have any teeth so all their food has to fit down their throats, so we were relatively safe. Way #512: This No one in their right mind would ever get on a rickety rope swing 70 meters... Continue Reading →
Paragliding in Ecuador
Almost chickened out... glad I didn't.
Traveling to the land of Boobies…
... The blue footed variety of course
Blade Runner – The Aquarelle Edition
Some people have too much time on their hands... this is a good thing.
Bah Humbug!
Physicists who want to protect traditional Christmas realize that the only way to keep from changing Christmas is not to observe it. (via xkcd) That is all.
Gavin Schmidt on Advocacy
From AGU originally posted, by Michael Tobis on Planet3.0. Posted here mostly for my own records
Why Vancouver’s door knob ban is a really bad idea
Vancouver has banned the classic round door knob for new buildings because it has accessibility issues. Door levers are easier to open especially if your hands are full or if you have mobility issues. The debate surrounding this idea has been fierce, but off the mark. The real issue issue is that round door knobs... Continue Reading →
The theory of revolution
To Boldly Go…
At the California Science Center in LA
Peter Sellers as Dr. Strangelove covering The Beatles
Who on earth thought this was a good idea? Well they were right!
Twelve Months in Two Minutes; Curiosity’s First Year on Mars
Has it really been a year since all of this