Why debating the science of climate change is pointless

This blog has seen it’s fair share of rather in depth debates on the science of climate change, but regardless of the outcome, debates on a random blog are pointless.

The video bellow takes a risk management view of the whole debate, and sets aside the question of the science, it is video is a response, to the valid criticisms he received for his first video, and provides a compelling argument for moving the debate from ‘is climate change real?’ to ‘what is the most effective policy to deal with climate change?’. Plus he wears a funny hat.

2 thoughts on “Why debating the science of climate change is pointless

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  1. Awesome Dan. I saw the original last year and this one is even better – if people will simply stop to take it in. I just don’t get what the denialists think they stand to gain by sabotaging the initiative to deal with climate change. It’s plain what the fossil fuel industry is after but I always thought (foolishly) the idea about democracy was looking after the best interests of the people and not bitumen processors.

    Good stuff. Cheers

  2. I always thought (foolishly) the idea about democracy was looking after the best interests of the people and not bitumen processors.

    Wouldn’t that be grand, politicians working for us regular folks instead of large powerful and most importantly rich special interests.

    On a related note, Lawrence Lessig has recently begun a campaign to expose and rid congress of the corrupting influence of money (which is one one the main causes of the problem you describe). Here is hoping it will be a success!

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